
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

i'm bored and i wanna write something

yoyo i dunno what i want to write,guys

hm okay
i just wanna tell that my spirit of fangilring is baaaaaaaaack!!! YEAH
wihiiihihihi because i've found someone that like hsj, too in my school
yatta~ :D

then i hasut hasut (apadeh bahasa inggrisnya?) my friend to see,listen,aaaaaand the end fangirling of hsj muahahahah
and now she's crazy about inoo & chinen,yes my mission have accomplish! ^^

nih si rizka yang jadi korban gue hehehehe

maafkan daku ya rizkaaaaa <3 <3

udah ah mau les,bye


  1. BELLAAA~!!!!
    kampret!!!!! apus gak foto gw!!
    jelek bgt!!!!!
    ihhh maleees kann..!!!
    ih ihh >,<

  2. bagus beel!! (Y)
    mari sebarkan virus hsj huahahahah
