
Monday, April 12, 2010

biasa masalah cinta,hedeh -,-"

oh god i already cry a lot tonight.
and my eyes get bigger aaaaargh

yeah, as a ordinary teenagers
i had usual problem. yep,love problem.
sounds boring, dont it?

theres a guy who i admired from i was start in high school
his inisial is l, but just called him R
he was so nice with me from the start
really really kind.

he ever say-love-to-me with japanese
and my answer is nothin because he say it by whispering in Science class
of course i didnt hear it correctly

R : aishiteru *whispering*
me : he? apaan?
R : emm engga itu kalo gue bilang aishiteru, lo mau bales apa bel?
me : apadeh?
R : serius eh
me : kalo aishite mo gimana?
R : hontou?

and i just keep silent
and many days after we get closer without now what this relationship is?
but we comfort with our situation now
we had cheer and share each other without bound each other

hm actually i didnt really like being like this afterwads
i dong like being hanging with him like this
but i just cant say it to him

many time past, and now he began to move away
but still care of me at the moment

and one week ago he went to Bali
theres a school tour, but i didnt come
and after he back from Bali
he just get closer with other girl in my school

till this morning he says to me
R : bel parah bel
me: kenapa sih?
R : parah
me: tauah
R : serius nih
me : males ah biasanya parahnya elu ngerepotin gue
R : yeee
me : yeh
R : tau ketua nhk gak? *nhk -> nama jclub di sekolah* #frontal
me : tau
R : beneran?
me : yang kemaren atau yg seangkatan kita
R : yg sekarang pokoknya
me : *piip* (sensor,nyebutin nama bilang aja N)
R : kok tau?
me : taulah, parah kenapa?
R : pernah liat profile fbnya gak?
me : pernah, lu ye foto bedua dia di bali? *emosi udah memuncak*
R : he? engga itu mah dia iseng
me : oh
R : yampun iseng doang sia -,- jangan marah apa
me: iyadeh
R : dih gitu banget
me : iya iya
R : iya nanti lo liat prfl nya deh bel terus lo liat yg dibawah foto, parah eh
me : apansih? iyadeh nanti kalo inget
R : hahaha oke

and when i see n's profile
theres a box below the pict
and theres a word
"i love blablabla......R"

what the?!!!!

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